"In the attitude of silence the soul finds the path in an clearer light, and what is elusive and deceptive resolves itself into crystal clearness. Our life is a long and arduous quest after Truth."
-Mahatma Gandhi
One reason why I simply must have a fully converted IR camera-- the photos are irresistibly beautiful. Image via: tavelkyoso ba. With IR, photographs turn out so whimsical, almost dream like. It literally captures the unseen beauty in nature, the very essence of life. Mother Earth is such a wonderful thing, don't you agree?
Oh & I happened to change the address/title of my blog. It is now http://maisoli.blogspot.com ... I came across the term while doing some random reading last night. I like the ring to it and it's much shorter than the previous title. Mai Soli = Never Alone. I like it. It can either really creepy or really comforting ;)
In any case, most of today was spent working on a website and converting .pdf's to .docs and then back to .pdf's once I got them all uniform and in the same template. Quite a long, arduous task. I had to take a break from it a few times. Ah, I still have to do some research for another client & reply to all these other e-mails/potential clients. Hopefully I get more work done tomorrow. I see it's going to be a cold cold day in Colorado! I might just want to snuggle up in bed all day :)
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