- Red Fabric - $2.75
- Basket - $3.00
- Knee High Socks - $2.00
It was 8PM by the time I got home (I waited for the mailman & took a nap to sleep off the remaining alcohol from the night before). I had less than 2 hours to get my costume together! I actually SEWED my cape/hood. Albeit, it was a really crappy sew job, but I was in a rush! Most people couldn't tell I sewed it myself anyway. Lol. I covered my basket with 'spider webs' and filled it with candy rather than breakfast for grandma.
Overall, it was a success! I really loved my knee high socks. I loved rocking them in middle school and I'll be getting more soon! Peter decided to be Allen from "The Hangover." We could've got a baby carrier & the baby and all that, but again, no time! Once we were ready we headed over to a party. Parties these days seem so lame compared to the ragers back when I was in college. We were one of the oldest ones there and it was a bit strange, but whatever, I had fun. After the party we ended up eating at Taco Rapidos, which was awesome!
It was a great night overall. Glad I wasn't hanging at all the following day. Thanks to daylight savings, we got an extra hour of sleep! I was originally going to be a race car driver/danica patrick. I'll just save that costume for an upcoming year or some kind of party.
Wet Seal currently has a deal for additional 50% off on Halloween items. A lot of the costumes were already marked down so w/ the additional 50 off, they were a steal! When they say that Halloween is an excuse to dress like a slut, I am indeed guilty. I like 'slutting it up' every so often ;) I'll be set for the next 4 years of Halloween! Photos of my purchases below.
- Original costume - Race car driver, Danica Patrick
- Beer Wench - would make a great Gretel costume or fun to wear on St. Patrick's Day
- Sailor - originally $80! got it for $10. it's a steal!
- French Maid - back-up costume

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