I woke up at 6AM to take my mom to the farmer's market. Yes, every Tuesday I need to take her so that she can get fresh papayas cheap: 3 for $1.00. It takes all but 20-25 minutes really, but it screws with my sleep! What I would give for loooong, continuous sleep. The thought/feeling seems so foreign to me now.
I needed to get some website work done so I worked on that instead of going back to sleep. I had more work to than I thought. That's always a good thing. I had less than an hour before my mom guys had to leave and I had to watch the patients so again, it was useless to sleep. Once my brother & mom left for her appointment, I was left to watch my mother's patients. At 11:30, I got their lunch ready and round them up to eat. My Filipino shows came on shortly thereafter and I was able to just veg out on my shows for a little bit.

Later on, I went to the post office to send off a
surprise mini care package for Peter. Hope he likes the candy :) Actually, that kid just loves candy! Any kind of candy will do! After that, I went over to Long's and picked up more 2 liter bottles of soda. 10 of them to be exact. At 99 cents each, that's a bargain in Hawaii! Talked to Peter for a while, sat on my computer... I am running on empty. I need to sleep soon so that I can recoup the lost energy and prepare myself for our planned hiking trip tomorrow. Hopefully the 'unsures' will be sure to come tomorrow morning.
I took these self-portraits during Sunday's shoot. The lighting was perfectly awesome :)
The second photo has the wind swept effect in action! Haha. Can't wait to go back to this place next week. Portraits will be our main focus this time around. Woohoo.
1 comment:
i do likey the second one :)
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