After lunch, I stopped by Starbucks across the street and decided to surprise Peter with a Iced Chai Tea Latte since he was working just a block away. It was hot and he was wearing a long-sleeved dress shirt. I figured he'd enjoy a nice cold drink :) He was taking in a delivery when I got there, so I waited outside in my car. It just got hotter and HOTTER ... I thought I was going to have a heat stroke!! My A/C refused to work either for some odd reason and kept blowing out hot air (my car is new, there's no reason for that!)... Alas, i walked in with his drink. He looked quite surprised! Lol. It's the first time I've done anything like this, so I hope it was appreciated :)
I went home, had a convo with my nephew (cousin's son) via text. I told Peter my hand hurt & no more driving for me today. Haha. Damn stick shift. He called me during his break on his way to Fort Collins. On the way there, something went wrong with his car and he decided to turn around and head back to town. Sooo, I had to drive down to the dealership to pick him up and he borrowed my car for the rest of the day.

I took the liberty of putting on some make-up and snapping a picture or two afterwards . It was really nice outside once 'golden hour' hit. I really wanted to take photos out where the sun was shining, but there were people outside. Lol.
I just lounged around for the next couple of hours. I watched TV, chatted, and cooked some dinner for Peter. When he got home, he told me, "Babe, you're a good girlfriend." :) Perhaps.. that has to do with everything I did for him today. To that I say, "Of course. I'm awesome!" You'd probably be an idiot not to see that and that's that! ;)
Today, I'm excited for the Denver Nuggets game!! I believe in you NUGGIES!! We can do it and clench the Western Conference Finals in SIX. Hehe. Just a hunch... maybe it'll go to SEVEN. Exciting! I think we're going to try and go somewhere to watch it. It's much more fun when there's other people cheering with you. Maybe we'll go to B-Dubs! I love wings and today is 'wing tuesday' ... 40 cent wings! & now for pics..

*Note, I had to edit this post. There was an overload of smilies. I need a smiley intervention. Lol. & yes, my eyes are quite large sometimes. & I was trying really hard for that peace sign.
you are wearing flowers and checkerboard. just thought i'd mention. lol.
as for your fingers...YOU CAN SEE THE BLACK AND BLUE!
lol. i know! i was in a rush to get out of my pants cuz it was so friggin hot!! they were the first comfy shorts i saw :)
yah, i bruise really easily these days =\ i had bruises everywhere. lol. from where? beats me!
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