Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Hello Subconscious.

If our dreams speak our subconscious desires, then my dreams have been channeling the same message to me time and time again.  If my dreams decided to transcend thought and manifest themselves into reality, I would not fight it.

Despite waking up numerous times today, I kept falling back into the same dream.  As per the usual, there are a few significant parts that remain vivid in my mind.  I love the fact that I can remember a good portion of my dreams.  I can't imagine waking up a whole week without remembering a dream.

Anywho, it seems as if we've gone from summer and headfirst into winter!  What happened to everything in between?  I told Peter we'll have a crazy winter up ahead of us, but I didn't anticipate it starting in September!  Seriously, winter storm warnings already?  I could've sworn it was just 80+ degrees this past Sunday!

These past couple weeks have been dragging on.  I'm still dreaming about Europe.  I seriously want to move there.  Seriously.  I even looked up websites on how to achieve this.  Peter is right there with me on the idea.  I don't mind the cramped spaces, the older feel, all the walking, or crazy taxes.  I just need to find a way there, pronto!

We've also spent a good amount of the time cooking.  Peter cooked fajitas one night & two different kinds of pasta on another night.  He had marinara sauce + meatballs & he made alfredo for me!  Yum.  None of that out-of-the-can stuff either.  Homemade alfredo is the best, especially when cooked by my boyfriend!  I made oven-baked teriyaki chicken, chicken adobo, steamed sweet corn, crab dip, chili (no beans!), & the usual portuguese sausage, eggs, & rice.  Not too shabby.  The chili was the bomb diggity!  $6 for all the ingredients (thanks to Colorado prices!) & enough leftovers for a second meal!

On Sunday we had a late lunch at Old Chicago's, which was delicious.  As usual, we got way too much food.  We got the Italian Nacho's appetizer (freakin delicious!), I got the Wings & Pizza Rolls combo & he got the Wings & Pizza combo.  We were instantly hit with food coma, but I told Peter we have to stay for the rest of the Broncos game (that's why we went to OC's after all!).  We ended up winning, so that was awesome :)

Monday, it was cold and dreary, but I had to wake up early to meet with a client.  Our meeting ended up to be 2 1/2 hours long, which isn't too bad since I get paid for it :P  When I got home, we headed out for brunch at Village Inn and we both had Country Fried Steak (or was it Chicken Fried Steak?).  Food coma again.  We were supposed to watch a movie, but I ended up taking a nap and he played video games all day/night.  Haha.  Oh well.

Now I have a bunch of work to do on some websites and catching up on e-mail with clients.  Fun.


jalene said...

no autumn?! what is this business!? thats like one of the best seasons!

Maria said...

I know right? I think it came back though... at least, for the moment!